| BZ | Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations | APAMO | http://www.apamo.net | Explanation of APAMO |
 | BZ | Belize Audubon Society | | http://www.belizeaudubon.org/ | |
 | BZ | Belize Enterprise for Sustainable Technology | BEST | http://www.best.org.bz/ | |
 | BZ | Belize FishermenÂ’s Cooperative Association | BFCA | | |
 | BZ | Belize Tourism Board | | http://www.travelbelize.org/ | |
 | BZ | Belize Water Services Limited | BWS | http://www.bws.bz/ | |
 | JM | Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation | C-CAM | http://www.ccam.org.jm/ | |
 | GD | Carriacou Environmental Committee | CEC | http://www.caribzones.com/cec.html/ | |
 | VC | Central Water and Sewerage Authority | CWSASVG | http://www.cwsasvg.com/ | |
 | GY | Climate Change Office | LCDS | http://www.lcds.gov.gy/ | |
 | BZ | Coastal Zone Management Institute | CZMI | http://www.coastalzonebelize.org/ | |
 | GY | Conservation International | CI | http://www.conservation.org.gy/ | |
 | VC | Direction National Parks Authority | | www.tourism.gov.vc/ | |
 | VC | Direction National Parks Authority | | www.tourism.gov.vc/ | |
 | DM | Discover Dominica Authority | | | |
 | DM | Dominica Sea Turtle Conservation Organization | DomSeTCO | http://domsetco.org/ | |
 | DM | Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation | DSWMC | http://dswmc.dm/ | |
 | DM | Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Limited | DOWASCO | http://www.dowasco.dm/ | |
 | DM | Dominica Watersports Association (Private Sector) | | http://dominicawatersports.com/ | |
 | DM | Environmental Health Department | | http://www.dominica.gov.dm/ | |
 | JM | Forestry Department | | http://www.forestry.gov.jm/ | |
 | GD | Grenada Board of Tourism | | http://grenadagrenadines.com/ | |
 | GD | Grenada Bureau of Standards | GDBS | http://gdbs.gd/ | |
 | GD | Grenada Community Development Authority | GRENCODA | http://grencoda.org/ | |
 | GD | Grenada Fund for Conservation | | http://grenadafundforconservation.org/ | |
 | GD | Grenada Marine Protected Area Network | GMPA | https://www.facebook.com/GMPANetwork | |
 | GD | Grenada National Trust | | http://www.grenadanationaltrust.org/ | |
 | GD | Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority | GSWMA | http://gswma.gd/ | |
 | GD | Grenada Yachting and Marina Association | MAYAG | http://www.grenadagrenadines.com/explore/yachting/marine-yachting-association-of-grenada-mayag/ | |
 | GY | Guyana Forestry Commission | GFC | http://www.forestry.gov.gy/ | |
 | GY | Guyana Geology and Mines Commission | GGMC | http://www.ggmc.gov.gy/ | |
 | GY | Guyana Mangrove Restoration Project | | http://www.mangrovesgy.org/ | |
 | GY | Guyana Marine Turtle Conservation Society | GMTCS | http://www.gmtcs.org/ | |
 | GY | Guyana Sea and River Defence Division | | | |
 | GY | Guyana Water Incorporated | GWI | http://www.gwiguyana.com/ | |
 | BZ | Healthy Reefs Initiative | | http://www.healthyreefs.org/ | |
 | CN | Institute for Water, Environment & Health | UNU-INWEH | http://www.inweh.unu.edu/ | |
 | DM | Invest Dominica Authority | | http://www.investdominica.com/ | |
 | GY | Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation | IWOKRAMA | http://www.iwokrama.org/ | |
 | JM | Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust | | http://svg-cic.org/ | |
 | SL | MAFF - Fisheries Division | MAFF | www.maff.egov.lc | |
 | GY | Mangrove Action Comitee | MAC | http://www.mangrovesgy.org/ | |
 | DM | MENRPPF - Environmental Coordinating Unit | ECU | http://environment.gov.dm/ | |
 | DM | MENRPPF - Fisheries Division | | http://environment.gov.dm/ | |
 | DM | MENRPPF - Physical Planning Division | PPD | http://environment.gov.dm/ | |
 | BZ | MFFSD - Department of Environment | MFFSD | http://mnrei.gov.bz/ | |
 | BZ | MFFSD - Department of Fisheries | MFFSD | http://mnrei.gov.bz/ | |
 | BZ | MFFSD - Department of Forestry | MFFSD | http://mnrei.gov.bz/ | |
 | SL | MIN PET - Forestry Department | PET | http://sustainabledevelopment.govt.lc/ministries/sustainable-development-energy-science-and-technology/forestry/ | |
 | SL | MIN PET - Sustainable Development and Environment Division | PET | http://sustainabledevelopment.govt.lc/ministries/sustainable-development-energy-science-and-technology/sustainable-development-environment-division/ | |
 | VC | Ministry - Forestry Department | | http://www.agriculture.gov.vc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=150&Itemid=89 | |
 | SL | Ministry for Public Service, Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology | PET | http://sustainabledevelopment.govt.lc/ | |
 | GY | Ministry of Agriculture - Fisheries Department | | http://www.agriculture.gov.gy/ | |
 | GY | Ministry of Agriculture - Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board | PTCCB | http://www.ptccb.org.gy/ | |
 | JM | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - Fisheries Department | | http://jis.gov.jm/ministries/agriculture-and-fisheries/ | |
 | DM | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry | | http://www.agriculture.gov.dm/ | |
 | SL | Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production, Fisheries and Rural Development | MAFF | www.maff.egov.lc | |
 | GD | Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/agriculture.html | |
 | GD | Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Fisheries Division | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/agriculture.html | |
 | GD | Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Forestry Division | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/agriculture.html | |
 | GD | Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Land Use Division | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/agriculture.html | |
 | VC | Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and Industry | | www.agriculture.gov.vc/ | |
 | GD | Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs | | http://gov.gd/ministries/carriacou_pm_affairs.html | |
 | GD | Ministry of Environment, Foreign Trade and Export Development | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/environment.html | |
 | GD | Ministry of Environment, Foreign Trade and Export Development | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/environment.html | |
 | DM | Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries | MENRPPF | http://environment.gov.dm/ | |
 | GD | Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economy, Energy & Cooperatives | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/finance.html | |
 | KN | Ministry of Health | | http://www.gov.kn/moh | |
 | JM | Ministry of Health | MOH | http://www.moh.gov.jm/ | |
 | DM | Ministry of Health | | http://www.dominica.gov.dm/ | |
 | BZ | Ministry of Health | | http://health.gov.bz/www/ | |
 | VC | Ministry of Health - Environmental Health Department | | www.health.gov.vc/ | |
 | GD | Ministry of Health - Environmental Health Department | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/health.html | |
 | VC | Ministry of Health - Environmental Management Department | | www.health.gov.vc/ | |
 | VC | Ministry of Health, Wellness, and the Environment | | www.health.gov.vc/ | |
 | SL | Ministry of Health, Wellness, Human Services and Gender Relations | | http://www.govt.lc/ministries/health-wellness-human-services-and-gender-relations/ | |
 | VC | Ministry of Housing, Informal Human Settlements, Lands & Surveys and Physical Planning | | www.housing.gov.vc/ | |
 | KN | Ministry of International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs and Agriculture, Marine Resources and Constituency Empowerment | MITICCA | http://gov.kn/miticca/ | |
 | VC | Ministry of National Mobilization, Social Development, Gender Affairs | | http://www.mobilization.gov.vc/ | |
 | DM | Ministry of National Security, Immigration and Labour | | http://environment.gov.dm/ | |
 | BZ | Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture | MNRA | http://www.mnra.gov.bz/ | |
 | GY | Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment - Environmental Protection Agency | Min NRE | http://www.epaguyana.org/ | |
 | GY | Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment - Environmental Protection Agency | EPA | http://www.epaguyana.org/ | |
 | SL | Ministry of Physical Development, Housing and Urban Renewal Development Control Authority | | http://www.govt.lc/ministries/physical-development-housing-and-urban-renewal | |
 | JM | Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining | MEM | http://www.mem.gov.jm/ | |
 | KN | Ministry of Sustainable Development | MOSD | http://www.gov.kn/mosd | |
 | KN | Ministry of Sustainable Development | MOSD | http://www.gov.kn/mosd | |
 | GD | Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation - National Parks Department | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/tourism.html | |
 | KN | Ministry of Tourism and International Transport | | http://www.gov.kn/motit | |
 | DM | Ministry of Tourism and Legal Affairs | | http://environment.gov.dm/ | |
 | SL | Ministry of Tourism, Heritage and the Creative Industries | | http://tourism.govt.lc/ | |
 | VC | Ministry of Tourism, Sports and Culture | | www.tourism.gov.vc/ | |
 | JM | Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change | MWH | http://www.mwh.gov.jm/ | |
 | GD | Ministry of Works, Physical Development and Public Utilities | | http://www.gov.gd/ministries/works.html | |
 | KN | MITICCA - Department of Marine Resources | | http://gov.kn/miticca/ | |
 | KN | MITICCA - Fisheries Department | | http://gov.kn/miticca/ | |
 | KN | MITICCA - Forestry Department | | http://gov.kn/miticca/ | |
 | GD | Molinere/Beausejour Stakeholders Committee | MBMPA | | |
 | JM | Montego Bay Marine Park Trust | MBMPA | http://www.mbmp.org/ | |
 | KN | MOSD - Department of Physical Planning and the Environment | MOSD | http://www.gov.kn/mosd | |
 | DM | National Association of Fisherfolk Cooperatives | NAFCOOP | | |
 | GD | National Disaster Management Agency | NADMA | http://www.gov.gd/departments/nadma.html | |
 | JM | National Environment Planning Authority | NEPA | http://www.nepa.gov.jm/ | |
 | JM | National Heritage Trust | JNHT | http://jnht.com/ | |
 | BZ | National Protected Areas Secretariat | NPAS | http://mnrei.gov.bz/ | |
 | GD | National Water and Sewerage Authority | NAWASA | http://nawasa.gd/ | |
 | JM | National Water Commission | NWC | http://www.nwcjamaica.com/ | |
 | JM | Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society | NCRPS | | |
 | JM | Negril Environmental Protection Trust | NEPT | http://nept.wordpress.com/ | |
 | DM | North Eastern Wildlife Conservation Environmental Protection and Tours | NEWCEPT | | |
 | SL | Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States | OECS | http://www.oecs.org | |
 | SL | Physical Planning Section | | http://www.govt.lc/ministries/physical-development-housing-and-urban-renewal/physical-planning-section | |
 | JM | Planning Institute of Jamaica | PIOJ | http://www.pioj.gov.jm/ | |
 | BZ | Protected Area Conservation Trust | PACT | http://www.pactbelize.org/ | |
 | GY | Regional Environmental Health Services | MOH | http://health.gov.gy/MOH/ | |
 | KN | Saint Christopher Heritage Society | | http://www.stkittsheritage.com/ | |
 | SL | Saint Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | | http://www.stluciachamber.org/ | |
 | SL | Saint Lucia National Trust | | http://slunatrust.org/ | |
 | VC | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Chamber of Industry and Commerce | | http://svg-cic.org/ | |
 | VC | Saint Vincent National Trust | SVGNT | http://www.svgnationaltrust.org/ | |
 | GD | Sandy Island Oyster Bed MPA Stakeholders Committee | SIOBMPA | | |
 | SL | Solid Waste Management Authority | SLUWMA | www.sluwma.org.lc/ | |
 | BZ | Solid Waste Management Authority | SWAMA | http://mnrei.gov.bz/ | |
 | SL | Soufriere Marine Management Association | SMMA | www.smma.org.lc/ | |
 | BZ | Southern Environmental Association | SEA | http://seabelize.org/ | |
 | GD | Southern Fishermen Association | SFA | http://southernfishermen-grenada.com/ | |
 | SL | St Lucia Tourist Board | | | |
 | VC | St Vincent and the Grenadines Tourism Authority | SVGTA | http://www.discoversvg.com/index.php/en/contact/about-us | |
 | GD | St. Georges University | | http://www.sgu.edu/ | |
 | GD | Sustainable Grenadines Inc | SUSGREN | http://susgren.com/ | |
 | GD | The Nature Conservancy | | | |
 | BZ | Toledo Institute for Development and Environment | TIDE | http://www.tidebelize.org/ | |
 | GY | Town and Country Planning | CHPA | http://www.chpa.gov.gy/ | |
 | SL | Trust for the Management of Rivers | TMR | | |
 | BZ | United Nations Development Programme | UNDP | http://www.bz.undp.org/ | |
 | BZ | University of Belize | UB | http://www.ub.edu.bz/ | |
 | GY | University of Guyana | UG | http://www.uog.edu.gy/ | |
 | SL | Water and Sewerage Company Inc | WASCO | www.wascostlucia.com/about-us/ | |
 | JM | Water Resources Agency | WAR | http://www.wra.gov.jm/ | |
 | BZ | Wildlife Conservation Society | WCS | http://www.wcs.org/where-we-work/latin-america/belize.aspx | |
 | GD | Woburn Woodlands Development Organization | | | |
 | GY | World Wildlife Fund | WWF | http://www.wwfca.org/ | |
 | BZ | World Wildlife Fund | WWF | http://www.wwfca.org/about/countries/belize/ | |
 | BZ | Ya'axchó Conservation Trust | | http://www.yaaxche.org/ | |